viernes, 18 de noviembre de 2016

Great view of London!!

Let's talk about ANIMALS

ANIMALS What animals do you know? What can you say about them? What are they like? They are What do they eat?They eat grass...other animals... What have they got?They have got 4 or 8 legs...a tail... a great fur...wet skin...dry skin...big mounth...strong body... Let's listen to these lovely kids talking about their favourite, amazing animal!!

viernes, 14 de octubre de 2016

Meeting people!!

How can we meet other students? Here are some ideas. 4ºB knows how to do it, and you?
Have a look and learn new things.


martes, 11 de octubre de 2016

Introducing people!

How can you meet other students? Don't you know? 4ºB knows how to do it.
Have a look and see what you know!


Welcome everybody!!!
It's a pleasure to welcome you to our freshly new blog for the 2nd Cycle.
This is our first time so there is a lot to be done, but we really want it to work and go far.
Keep an eye on it and don't miss anything.
Wizardpatata abraza